Today we will discussed about the most useful topic of advance excel, so for us it is necessary to know that how to use this function and why this function is so much useful.
First we will understand that what is vlookup and why this is so important so first we will put a little
look what is vlookup.
VLOOKUP, V stands for
"vertical" which mean use VLOOKUP to lookup values in table
arranged vertically. And the same for Hlookup stands for “Horizontal” but we will discuss that in later.
VLOOKUP (Lookup_value, table_array, col_index, [range_lookup])
(1) (2) (3) (4)
arranged vertically. And the same for Hlookup stands for “Horizontal” but we will discuss that in later.
VLOOKUP (Lookup_value, table_array, col_index, [range_lookup])
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(1) Lookup_value The value to look for in the first
column of a table
(2) table_array The table
from which to retrieve a value.
(3) col_index_num The column in the table from
which to retrieve a value.
(4) range_lookup [optional] TRUE =
approximate match (default). FALSE = exact match.
Here is the example:-
Here we will discuss about one by one but
for the clarity we need one table to understand the picture clearly.
Here in this above image
we can see that row no 3 is highlighted, suppose that we have only cell value “George” in cell A3
and we have to look for the cost of “George”or we need to find the value of
“Profit” of “George” so in this case we can use vlookup and after using vlookup
we can get the value easily. How to find the value of “George” in the column of “Cost” or “Profit”, see how
it happens :-
Simply type
=Vlookup (lookup-value{
we are looking for},table-array{total table area from A1 to D9},col-index{in
which column we the value is exist},[range-lookup]{iether we want exact value
or near about}
Now we need to put the
value in the above format
A13 =we are
looking for “George” value in cost column so “George” is located in cell A13.
A1:D9 =total table
area, we can easily seen that total data
is from cell A1:D9
3 = 3 is
the column no. where my value is located
True/False = and last
argument is True/False which means either we want the value exactly or near
about will do.
After putting these
value into the formula and press enter, you will get the result that “George”
gave “7412” value in column 3 and if in the formula we will change column no.
“4” instead of “3” you will get the result
from 4th column
i.e. = 12025 the value of “George” is located in column no. “4“
Limitations of Vlookup
Vlookup has some limitation and
in the following example we will discuss about it.
1. Vlookup will always look for the data from extreme
left to right, not from mid to right , in the below given image vlookup will find the data from Column A to Column
D not form Column B to Column C or
Column D.
We can understand it from below given example :-
We have cut a piece form above image to understand
this better way and in this below given screenshot we can see that column (H) and column (I) are blank but
we can find the value for both the places.
By the vlookup formula if we want to look for
the value for H2 and I2 the formula would be
=Vlookup(F2,Table array would be (A1 to D9),
column no would be 3 or 4, and last step
is True/False)
True stand for = Match nearest value
False stand for = Match exact value
I want to say from this example we cannot find
the result by putting the below given example
=Vlookup(G2,Table array would be (A1 to D9),
column no would be 3 or 4, and last step
is True/False)
=Vlookup(G2, A1 : D9, 3 or 4, False)
If we are applying this formula so we have to
take notice that when we will look for G2 so the table array would be B2:D9 not by A1:D9 if we follow this the result
will be come out because in this case column B2 would be extreme left.
2. Vlookup will not look for the data from right to
left, example below :-
You can see in the below given image the
limitation of vlookup that it cannot look the data from right to left.
3. If we have applied vlookup formula somewhere and
we will insert another column in the table array field so everywhere we have
applied vlookup formula (only those formulas which has the base from that table
array field) all the formula will not produce the correct result because
vlookup will count the column no. and then give the result but if we insert
another column in the table array field the result would not be the same.
In the below given image we can see that when we
insert a column before the Sales column the result is not the same and now it
is a blank cell. Here above in formula bar you can see that the formula is same
as it is appearing in the above image but in above image the value appeared
after vlookup formula applied but in the below given image the value is not appearing
but the formula is same to same, only difference is we have inserted a column
before sales column.
So all this is happening because
vlookup has a limit that if we insert a column between the table array it will
not produce the same result.
So all these are the limitation of vlookup we have solution for the same also, like if column inserted so we have the solution, even how vlookup goes to left.
All we will discuss in the future tutorial.
Till then
Good bye