Sunday, 31 January 2016

Knowledge of Excel

Hello friends,
                        I hope that things are going well and you guys are going on a right tract. In my previous posts I was writing about Excel Count function but now I realize that if I will share Excel contents from start to end then it will be very helpful to you.

Like what is a workbook, worksheets, formula bar, cell, row, columns etc.

Workbook :- A Microsoft Office Excel workbook  is basically a file on that we do our work, simply if we are working any job in the excel and  if we save it in the computer with a file name that file name will be called a workbook.

Worksheet:-  A Microsoft Office Excel worksheet is basically a sheet of any workbook, simply if we are working in any workbook (i.e any excel file) and in that file we need to add another sheet, so that sheet will be called a worksheet. For example sheet1, sheet2, sheet3 etc.

Formula Bar:-  A Microsoft Office Excel formula bar  is basically, if we type any formula in any cell the formula will be displayed in the formula bar also, if any cell is not displaying any formula but on the formula bar it will display that formula like in below mentioned example.

Cell              :-  A Microsoft Office Excel  a cell is the intersection of a column and a row.

Row             :-  In Microsoft Office Excel  rows are horizontal row like below mentioned example sl no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 are all  rows

Column       :- In Microsoft Office Excel column are the vertical portion of column and these column's name are written like A B C D E F G H etc.

So friends I hope you understand the small but important things in a better way. This post is not over, it will be continuous in the further future blogs.

Thanks and Goodbye for now.


Monday, 25 January 2016

COUNTIFS Function in Excel

Hello friends,
                 Today I am going to post another useful function of count, i.e. Countifs
It will be available in office 2007 and later version.

With the above mentioned example it will be easy to understand that how can we use this function:

In this example we have to search for how many Pen are there in the column A1:A10 and the formula  will be as follows :-


But if condition is as follows :-
i.e. Pen having quantity more than 10 nos. then the formula will be as follows



I think now it will be easy to understand the use of countifs function.

My next post will be the same on countifs function again with more example.

Thanks and have a nice day!


Tuesday, 19 January 2016

COUNTIF with Wildcard

Hello friends,

                     today I will tell something about Countif with Wildcard, wildcard means result with keeping some character ( example "Pen") in the table or column.  In the below mentioned example we can see that in the cell A 13 the total nos. of pen count is 6, but if we count in the column A then there are only 3 nos. of Pen in the whole column. How this happened, little bit trick is the formula containing, "*", which belong some wild character in the column, i.e. how many items are carrying pen character in the whole column, i.e. simply Pen, Pencil, Gel Pen, all the words having Pen common, so countif with wild character formula count the words having a unique words in the table.

 Simply how many words in the column A3 : A11 having the character in column B13  i.e. Pen so simply 6 nos. of words have Pen character in it.

Gel Pen



This is all for today and next day we will discuss a new topic.

Thanks and goodbye for now


Friday, 15 January 2016

Count Blank function

Hello friends,
                     today I am going to post a new excel function which is called Countblank function, with below mention example :

This function count only blank cell in the given data in columns or rows as mention in the above example.

Thanking agian


Thursday, 14 January 2016

Count function no. 3

Hello friends,

                         today we are going to discussed about a new function of Count, i.e CountA.

CountA always count including the text characters also in the given data, just like in the below  mentioned   example :-

Tomorrow we will discuss a new formula.

Take care


Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Count function part II

Hello friends,

                    Today I want to share Count function part 2,  which job is to count only numeric value not the text character. Here in this example we can see that there are some text character in middle of the column A i.e. B and A but when we put a formula in cell A9, we see that result is 3. The total count is 3 not 5 with text character.

So my next post will be a new count tutorial.

Thank you

Truly yours


Friday, 8 January 2016

Count function in Excel

Hello friends,

                     today I am sending a excel countif  screenshot tutorial, so that you people can understand the matter in a better way.

Count function is a several quality function in excel and I promise to you on daily basis I will post every single function of Count.

Count has a severa no. of category which I will discuss in my later post by each one and here I am listing below all the COUNT function one by one.

1. Count,
2. CountA
3. Countif
4. Countifs
5. Countblank

Thanking you 

Truly yours


Thursday, 7 January 2016

What about Excel

Hello friends,

                  long time ago I posted about excel but now I am saying that Excel is a good choice for carrier prior to this I do not have something to say but not I have find out a path to move on I will try to move on this line, because people started after me are ahead from me a lot but I am still on the same page reason is the path I want to move on, I could not decided but now I decided that I will move on in Excel direction and full try to make excel my life .

thanks and regards


Hello friends

Today I want to send a youtube video to chek that whether it will be success or not 

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